Bottineau LRT Engagement

One of the proposed station areas on West Broadway Avenue, in Brooklyn Park. Image courtesy of Urban Design Associates (UDA).

Development of the Bottineau LRT line is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to build a city-shaping, multi-modal spine for the communities along its length. Ensuring that the corridor’s diversity of residents, partners, and communities — including under-represented, transit-dependent, and health-disparity communities — have full opportunity to participate in and shape essential walking and biking access to stations will result in a line that grows ridership, meets the needs of potential users, and provides ladders of opportunity for all area residents.

CDG was selected by Hennepin County to lead the Community Engagement in Connectivity as part of the Bottineau Extension Project. A key goal of this effort is to re-envision the Bottineau corridor as a multi-modal transit corridor that supports LRT, pedestrian and bicycle connections.

The engagement efforts are providing community guidance in the selection of key pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure projects at station areas in Golden Valley, Robbinsdale, Brooklyn Park, and Crystal. The engagement results will also inform a wayfinding plan and a connectivity and circulation plan.