City of Edina 2018 Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan

All Ages and Abilities, all the time. Edina's ambitious plan looks at precedents from near and far as possibilities for the Twin Loops framework. Image: Indianapolis Cultural Trail, by DaCosta Mermoz.

Edina's new plan focuses on building an "All Ages and Abilities" walking and biking network - an ambitious and achievable goal for this developed first-ring suburban community.

An innovative community known for its high quality of life and its forward-thinking approaches to sustainability and resident empowerment, Edina sought to develop a plan for a walking and biking network that would allow its residents and visitors to walk and bike to school, work, parks, shopping and community destinations using facilities that are not only safe but also feel comfortable and inviting to the majority of its population.

CDG worked closely with Edina residents, staff and appointed commissions to develop an innovative plan that uses latest approaches and best walk/bike design practices to set up a high-quality network of routes based on a “Twin Loops” framework connecting all areas of the city and providing a framework for organizing other routes offering connectivity throughout the community.

The plan strongly articulates a “6Es” framework that recognizes that although infrastructure is an essential component for success, a holistic approach that also takes into account education and encouragement, enforcement, and measurement and evaluation - within a framework that prioritizes equitable distribution of access to sustainable transportation throughout the community - will set the community on its path to continuing success.

The plan was completed in early 2018 and was adopted by the Edina City Council at its meeting of February 21, 2018. It follows the success of the city's first Bicycle Transportation Plan (also developed by CDG). That plan, completed in 2007, led the development of more than 40 miles of new facilities. We are excited to be part of the next wave of improvements in walkability and bikeability for the city!

Resources and related documents: