We offer professional planning and design, public engagement, and communications services, including:
Urban Design, Corridor and Neighborhood Planning, Comprehensive Land Use Planning
Our multi-disciplinary approach to placemaking seeks to create human-scaled places and spaces where people feel welcome and comfortable; places that are interesting, safe and vital, that are assets to our communities and that invite people to connect with each other and build the framework of community.
Our land use planning services include:
- Urban Design and Placemaking
- Traditional Neighborhood Design (TND) & Transit Oriented Development (TOD)
- Corridor Plans and Small Area Plans
- Community Visioning
Transportation and Mobility Planning
Our transportation planning approach emphasizes sustainability and connectedness, focusing on addressing the needs of pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, and motorists in a safe and welcoming environment that prioritizes human scale and comfort.
Our transportation and mobility planning services include:
- Comprehensive bicycle and pedestrian planning
- Traffic calming and safety and usability audits
- Safe Routes to School
- Open Streets / Ciclovía Planning
- Accessible/ADA design
Community Engagement, Education and Visioning
Honest, meaningful and ongoing community engagement is a foundation for our work. We believe that more ideas and opinions lead to solutions that address more issues, belong to more people, and that more fairly and sustainably resolve the problems at hand. We build participation frameworks that provide continuing opportunity for engagement beyond the project conclusion.
Our community engagement services include:
- Public workshops and presentations
- Training and professional development
- Multimedia communication
- Arts-based community development
Technical Assistance
We offer a wide range of planning-related services to assist communities and organizations, including:
- GIS and mapping services
- Photo renderings and illustrations
- Multimedia development, including movies and presentations, on planning topics
- Web development